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We offer chemical drug testing services to the public to reduce drug related deaths and potential harm as well as identifying fake medicines on the market.

Our Vision

Clarity Through Chemical Drug Testing: Was Created to Offer the Easiest Way to Test Substance Samples Confidentially provides unknown substance testing using a simple mail-in method. Our fast online drug testing services help people to verify substances, protect their health and avoid injuries stemming from misrepresented and harmful substances. Our vision is to both spare and save lives through access to the easiest way to test for substance accuracy and authenticity.

You never have to take an unknown substance without clear answers.

The problem of misrepresented substances has exploded with the wide availability of drugs, medications, and supplements for sale on the Internet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as much as 10 percent of medical products in low-income and middle-income countries are either substandard or falsified. These dangerous unknown substances impact people in every country. strives to prevent injuries and fatalities caused by:

  • Falsified pharmaceuticals.
  • Ineffective pharmaceuticals containing no active ingredient.
  • Pharmaceuticals containing lethal or harmful doses of an active ingredient.
  • Dangerous pharmaceuticals containing the wrong active ingredient.
  • Misrepresented substances.
  • Mislabeled substances.
  • Pharmaceuticals produced in unhygienic conditions.
  • Pharmaceuticals contaminated with bacteria.
  • Dietary supplements containing prohibited compounds.

In many cases, counterfeit products can appear, smell, and taste identical to the substances they have been designed to mimic. However, the effects on the body can be much different than the intended results. Prevent harm by knowing what’s in an unknown substance.
Request your analysis from today!

How We Can Help

Our services

We offer quick, qualitative as well as quantitative chemical analysis of unknown and unidentified compounds. Whether it comes in the form of tablets, capsules, powder, or liquids we have the instrumental tools and knowledge to detect what is hidden on a molecular level.

Choose your method of payment and print out the instructions that will be sent to your e-mail.
Attach your sample to the instruction paper and mail your sample to us, we’ll take care of the test!

Submit a sample


Choose what type of analysis you are interested in.

We offer both qualitative as well as quantitative chemical analysis as well as full structural determination of unknown compounds.


Tell us what you might suspect your sample to contain.

If you have any idea of what might be in your sample, let us know.
It makes the process faster for us, and you will therefor also get your result back faster.


Fast Turnaround

Choose your method of payment and print out the instruction paper that will be sent to your e-mail.
Attach your sample to the paper and mail your sample to us.


Wait for your sample to arrive.

Once your sample has arrived, we will let you know and as soon as our analysis is complete, we will e-mail you the result.

Don’t jeopardize your health!

Submit a sample

Don’t take unnecessary risks by ingesting unknown compounds.
By using our services, we help you reduce health risk and hospitalization as well detecting fake drugs on the market.

About us Offers the Easiest Online Substance Testing

Based in Sweden, is helping to solve the global problem of substandard, counterfeit, contaminated and falsified drugs. is the easiest way to test unknown substances online using a simple, confidential mail-in method.

We test unknown substance samples directly at university labs for the clearest and most accurate results. While many drug-testing companies are capable of testing blood, urine, hair, and other biological samples, is one of the only services offering actual product and substance testing.

We can test and identify tablets, capsules, powders, liquids and more by analyzing your sample at the molecular level. We offer:

  • 3rd party supplement testing.
  • Unknown substance identification.
  • Testing for toxins, poisons, and other chemicals.
  • Prescription medication testing.
  • Over-the-counter medication testing.
  • Raw material testing.
  • And more!

    * Field is required


    If you have questions regarding our services or an ongoing analysis kindly send send us an e-mail at [email protected] or by filling in the contact form on our website and we will get back to you shortly!




    How long does it take before I get my results?

    It vary from sample to sample and is determined by our current workload and the chemical complexity of your sample.
    If you choose our express service, we will prioritize your sample and move it up the queue.

    Can I get my sample sent back to me?

    No, some of the analytical techniques we use are destructive in their nature and will therefor fragment your sample in the analytical process.

    Can you detect all chemicals?

    We can detect all organic chemicals.
    Inorganic chemicals such as metals and certain salts however may not be detected.

    How much of my sample do I need to send?

    We only need 2 tablets/capsules, and no more than 50mg of powder or 1mL of liquid.
    By using our services you agree to not send more than what is necessary.

    What chemical instrumentation do you use?

    All our analytical work is conducted at the university and we therefor have access to a wide range of powerful analytical instruments, including both chromatographic- as well as spectroscopic techniques.

    Can you analyze protein based drugs?

    Yes, we can analyze proteins, but as these pharmaceuticals can be very complex – the price is higher. Get in touch with us if you wish us to analyze a protein or a larger peptide. is a company based in Sweden that prevents drug related harm and death by providing chemical analytical services to the public.

    Find your analysis results here.

    Simply enter your Sample ID in the field below and you can check the analysis status, as well as download the results if the analysis is ready.